Teeth Whitening in Antalya
Teeth whitening finds an application area in cosmetic dentistry as an aesthetic treatment applied for long-term white appearance of teeth that are stained and yellowed for various reasons, aiming for a natural appearance. We will take a look at teeth whitening methods used against yellowing and staining of tooth color due to reasons such as consumption habits and environmental factors.
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ToggleAntalya teeth whitening is a cosmetic treatment approach used to lighten the color of teeth by a few shades. The main purpose of the procedures is to make the teeth whiter, brighter and cleaner than their current appearance. Although there is an option to whiten teeth at home with the help of various materials such as whitening kits, this option can be risky due to the lack of physician control and clinical conditions.
The healthiest method for teeth whitening is to undergo the procedure in a clinical setting under the supervision of a dentist. Because using whitening products purchased for home use or using these products without the supervision of a dentist can lead to a number of problems that may threaten oral and dental health.
For this reason, it is a healthier approach to see a specialist dentist and follow the treatment program determined by the dentist. Because a professionally competent dentist listens to the dental health history of the individual and acts within the framework of the color tone requested while determining the appropriate method to ensure success in treatment.
What is Teeth Whitening?
Teeth whitening is the process of removing the coloring substances in the porous enamel and dentin layer on the tooth surface with the help of certain teeth whitening gels. The main purpose of this process, which is applied by a dentist, is to achieve a clean, sparkling and white appearance of teeth that have yellowed and lost their natural whiteness.
Another definition of teeth whitening is the whole of the methods used to provide a lighter tone in the color of the person’s teeth. Teeth may change color or become stained due to different reasons. In such a case, it is possible to obtain a whiter and brighter appearance in tooth color by applying teeth whitening solutions.
Before addressing other issues related to teeth whitening, it should be noted that although teeth whitening is applied in various beauty centers today, the possibility that oral and dental health may be adversely affected if the procedure is not performed by an expert and competent dentist in this field should not be ignored.
In addition, home teeth whitening applications also carry some risks in themselves as they are performed without the supervision of a dentist. However, if the home teeth whitening method is to be carried out under the supervision of a dentist, the dentist makes a copy of the individual’s tooth shape and form. Mouth guard is prepared on this copy. The bleaching gel that should be used with the mouth guard is given to the person and how to use it is explained.
Why Do Teeth Change Color?
The prominent causes of tooth discoloration are as follows:
- Excessive consumption of acidic foods,
- Heavy consumption of liquids with coloring properties such as tea and coffee,
- Trauma and physical blows to the teeth,
- Exposure of the teeth to high levels of fluor,
- The wrong diet program,
- Poor oral hygiene,
- Decalcification,
- Genetic factors,
- Some bacteria and fungi,
- Plaque and tartar,
- Incorrect tooth brushing habits,
- Tooth decay,
- Certain antibiotics used in childhood,
- Iron medicines
- Hypertension medicines,
- Exposure to radiation to the head and neck region,
- Chemotherapy.
What are Antalya Teeth Whitening Methods?
When it comes to Antalya teeth whitening methods, there are several methods and products that individuals can apply. Since there are different options available, it would be healthy to consult a dentist to determine the right method for the individual. We can express teeth whitening methods under three different headings.
The first one is a procedure applied directly by the dentist, the second one is the products prescribed by the dentist for use at home, and the last one is the direct application of various materials and materials obtained from the market without the recommendation and control of the dentist and claimed to provide teeth whitening.
Which of the teeth whitening methods will be applied is determined by evaluating various factors such as the condition of the individual’s existing teeth, the extent of discoloration, age factor, teeth with filling and bridge treatment. As a result, no matter which type of teeth whitening application is performed, it will be beneficial for the person to have a dentist’s opinion before the application.
How Is Teeth Whitening Done?
Teeth whitening is based on different procedures depending on which method is to be applied. First of all, let us explain how to do home teeth whitening. In this method, firstly, the person’s intraoral measurements are taken and whitening trays are prepared specifically for the person. Then, a certain amount of whitening gel is applied inside the tray. The person uses this tray for a minimum of four to six hours a day for an average of two weeks.
Office type teeth whitening is a whitening method applied under clinical conditions. It stands out as an ideal method especially for people with time concerns. Because it is shorter compared to alternative methods. This method is based on the procedure of activating the whitening gel applied to the tooth surface by the dentist using UV light or laser. It usually takes one hour.
Another method of teeth whitening is combined whitening. Combined whitening is based on the procedure of applying both office and home whitening together. The person first undergoes teeth whitening under clinical conditions. Then, a few days later, home whitening is applied to support the office whitening process.
Finally, let’s talk about a single tooth whitening procedure called internal whitening. This procedure is for teeth that have undergone discoloration after root canal treatment. First, the tooth filling is removed and whitening gel is applied to the opened cavity. Then the tooth is closed with the help of a temporary filling. Sessions are repeated at certain intervals until the desired color is reached.
Antalya Teeth Whitening Prices
Antalya teeth whitening prices vary. This difference in prices is due to factors such as which of the whitening methods will be applied, clinic standards, dentist expertise and experience. You can contact Mastery Dental Clinic, which offers teeth whitening services in Antalya, and get detailed information about the procedure and treatment prices.
Teeth whitening is the cleaning and polishing of the pores in the tooth enamel with the help of whitening gels, blue light and laser technologies and providing a whiter appearance.
Teeth whitening solutions can be applied to anyone who has completed the age of eighteen and whose oral and dental health and general health status are favorable.
Yes, with the help of professional teeth whitening, yellowed teeth can be made white again.
First of all, let’s talk about the method called office bleaching. This method used in teeth whitening is applied by a dentist under clinical conditions. Another method is home bleaching. Home bleaching is the application of whitening gels prepared by the dentist and used in accordance with the dentist’s recommendation at home.
Bleaching is based on the procedure of applying gels used in teeth whitening to the tooth enamel to achieve bright, white and clean teeth. There is also a serious distinction between bleaching and teeth cleaning, which is often confused with bleaching. While teeth cleaning is limited to the removal of stains caused by staining substances on the tooth surface, bleaching aims to lighten the tooth color and provide a whiter and brighter appearance than the existing tooth color.
Teeth whitening usually involves a color change of three to four tones. As this change varies from person to person, the duration of the procedure also varies. However, the teeth whitening process is usually completed in 45 – 60 minutes.
In order to determine which of the teeth whitening methods is ideal for you, it is first necessary to see a dentist and undergo a preliminary examination. If you want to lighten the color of your teeth by a few tones, laser or home whitening can be considered.
However, if the staining on the teeth is serious, a combined teeth whitening method may be more appropriate. Again, it should be noted that it would be more accurate to determine which type of approach should be adopted by the dentist.
There may be mild tooth sensitivity due to the methods used to achieve tooth whitening. This sensitivity, which is mostly related to the weather, hot and cold foods and beverages, is generally considered normal. Most of the time, the sensitivity complaint goes away within a few days. In the event of an unusual situation during this period, it is recommended to contact the dentist and express the situation.
The time it takes to achieve the target whiteness may vary from person to person. At this point, an average period of two to three weeks may be required. However, it would be useful to reiterate that different calendars may be in question on a case-by-case basis.
by the dentist, in general, it would be the right approach not to consume colored liquids such as tea, coffee, etc. and tobacco products for a few days.VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
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