White Spots on Teeth – What are they? – Mastery Dental Clinic

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Sometimes, patients come to our clinic due to the appearance of white spots on their teeth. What causes these to appear?

Officially called “white spot lesions”, it is important to go to a dentist as soon as you notice them on your teeth. White spot lesions can be a sign of early tooth decay, possible cavity development, and structural weaknesses in the teeth, but can appear due to a number of other reasons as well. In practice, white spot lesions can be diagnosed and treated very quickly and easily by a dentist.

Due to the fact that white spot lesions can be caused by a wide range of different factors, there is no one single treatment to remove them. Each treatment will depend on the individual case.

The outer wall of the tooth is made up of a hard structure called enamel. Enamel plays a protective role for the tooth, acting as a barrier between the sensitive nerves inside the tooth and the external environment. Enamel can weaken due to wear and tear, exposure to acidic food and drinks, and inadequate oral hygiene. When enamel weakens, pits may form on the tooth surface, leading to cavities and tooth decay. In some cases, the first indicator of tooth decay can be white spot lesions. This is why it is important to consult a dentist without delay if you notice them. Sometimes spots will appear on all teeth, however in other cases only the molars are affected, which makes detecting them much harder. Make sure you are monitoring all of your teeth for signs of tooth decay!

What Causes White Spot Lesions on Teeth?

White spot lesions can be caused by physical factors, or genetic factors such as tooth structure. Here are some of the most common causes of white spot lesions:

Dental fluorosis – this occurs if you ingest too much fluoride (it most often occurs in children)

Enamel hypoplasia – a tooth defect where the enamel layer is thinner than normal, can be caused by genetics

Demineralisation caused by buildup of bacterial plaque – often seen in people who wear braces

→ Acidic food and drink consumption,

Lack of oral and dental care (no brushing or flossing), 

Can a Dentist Make White Spots Go Away?

White spots can be an early indicator of tooth decay. They show that the enamel structure of the tooth is at risk, and the early formation of cavities. Treatment will require the enamel structure of the tooth to be improved, usually using calcium to strengthen the enamel.

After consulting a dentist about white spot lesions, they may recommend that you use a calcium restorative toothpaste against the white stains. Another treatment option is topical fluoride treatment to encourage enamel development. This must be prescribed by a dentist.

Another treatment option to remove white spot lesions is tooth whitening. This is an aesthetic treatment which restores colour balance on your tooth, reducing the appearance of lesions by reducing the difference in colour between them and the rest of the tooth. In more severe cases, a dentist may apply a composite resin to the tooth to more permanently correct the colour change. This colour correction should always be performed alongside treatment that tackles the cause of the lesions in the first place.

In any case, you should always go to a dentist as soon as possible after detecting white spots on the teeth, so that they can form a customised treatment plan and prevent them from leading to more severe dental health problems.

How can White Spot Lesions be Permanently Removed?

In order to prevent white spots from reforming and achieve a permanent solution, the root cause must be diagnosed and treated. A dentist can perform an examination to diagnose what triggered the formation of the white spots in the first place, and develop a treatment plan accordingly. Treatments will often combine techniques to remove the white spots and also prevent them from reforming. These include:

Tooth Whitening

Minimal Etching of Enamel

Resin Application

Dental Veneer Application

Fluoride Application

How can I Prevent White Spot Formation in the First Place?

White spot lesions can be caused by a wide range of factors, including bacterial plaque growth on the teeth, demineralisation, or high levels of fluoride intake. In order to prevent white spots from forming in the first place, you should always follow these measures:

Regular oral and dental care, including brushing and flossing

Using toothpaste with the correct level of fluoride

Limiting consumption of acidic food and drink

Regular and sufficient water consumption

Periodic dental check-ups

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